I feel like this is the real answer people are wanting when they ask us where we are in the process. Then as I try and explain what our current situation in the process is, I always get that "Ohhh...." (you know, the one where people are feeling sorry for you but really don't have anything else to say).
Here's the basics - we're going to Costa Rica no matter what once our loans are consolidated. We just don't know if we'll be gone for the long or short term. We both have talked and decided that this is the direction God is leading us, we're just not sure which type of term He's leading us to and we're trusting in Him that we get there. See, no matter what our loans total, I know with all my heart that God will take care of us. He will provide.
How do I know this? Because He has yet to fail me in this area. Every time money has gotten tight and we've had to scrap around, He has blessed us in many ways. Whether it was a refund check or just the simple fact of family members buying us food - or building a basement apartment for us to crash in until we leave - He has provided.
The provisions He has given to us in this last year have not ceased to amaze me. I just wish (a human flesh moment) that we could direct some of those provisions towards our loans, because it is just a headache. How sweeter life would be without the burden of student loans.
Since we won't actually start any support raising until after our consolidation and a portion of our support will be to pay off our monthly balance of student loans anyways we have decided to start a campaign on indiegogo. The way I see it is that if we raise the $90,000 we set our goal to - Awesome, Hurrah, Praise the Lord! If we only raise the $200 that has already been donated - Awesome, Hurrah, Praise the Lord! No matter what amount we have at the end of this campaign, God will have blessed it. Like I said, we know we will already be going to Costa Rica, it's just a matter of a long or short term stay.
With that being said, I'll leave you with two things...
The link to our campaign ....
Prayer Requests...
1) The Colleen could land a teaching job if it's in God's will for the next year (this will greatly increase our income and help cover the cost of student loans even more so!).
2) That the loan consolidation would come out to Josh and Colleen's desires - hoping it's the same as God's desire.
3) That we continue to be ever conscientious of our spending habits and not over spend when we shouldn't be spending at all.
Love in Christ,
Colleen :)
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