I feel like this has been the story written to our lives in the last 3 years - all in God's timing. I do not feel like it's a coincidence that we studied so in depth the book of Genesis at Bible Study this last year. One major theme that was consistent throughout Genesis - especially from Abraham on - was things happen all in God's timing. I do not feel like it's a coincidence that I decided to start my in depth reading with my new Devo Bible in Romans either.
Abraham had every excuse not to trust God. He was old. Sarah was old. They had been childless in their marriage for a long time. When he finally did have a son with Sarah, God asked him to sacrifice Isaac's life to Him. Yet when God first came to Abraham and told him “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Gen 15:5 ... Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness. Gen 15:6
This offspring promised to Abraham didn't come until many years later in the form of the Israelite nation in Egypt - born of his twelve great-grandsons, the sons of Jacob, who was the son of Isaac - Abraham's son. I mean right there, you're looking at 5+ generations before the promise is fulfilled for Abraham. Abraham may have met Jacob and Esau - his grandchildren (I don't know, it's not officially recorded in the Bible and I don't have an official timeline of events in my possession) but it's unlikely he met his great-grandsons - the 12 sons of Jacob. Yet, Gen 15:6, Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.
I guess the point I'm trying to make, the issue I'm trying to impress in my feeble mind, is that God's promises are fulfilled in His timing. I hear it so often on this road my family has been walking, that I tend to forget this truth. But I do need the reminders - like yesterday when my deceitful heart reminded me of my incompetence as a teacher when I received word I was officially passed over by GSA as a teacher - I need the gentle touch of God through friends and family member's words that God has the perfect plan for us and it's unfolding each day. But not only do I need the reminders that it is in His timing, I need the reminder to have faith like Abraham, to have my trust counted as righteousness in God.
I will not lie - it's extremely frustrating to not have what I want here at this very second because we have allowed ourselves to become a society that gets what we want at this very second. BUT I can let go of my frustration because I have the hope of Christ in my life and I know that no matter what I want, Christ's plans are much better for my life than anything I could put together.
In Christ's Love
~C-Tay :)